

Page history last edited by Shannon Wiebe 11 years, 4 months ago



(What I Know Is)

Shannon's Blog:  http://madamebellefeuille.blogspot.com/

Shannon's Twitter Handle:  @Shannon_Wiebe

Twitter Hashtags you may find useful:  #frimm (French Immersion) #kinderchat 


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Welcome to our Kindergarten and Grade One Wiki Space of 

French Immersion resources and ideas.



Use the side bar on the right to find what you are looking for.


Our hope is not only to share what we are doing in our classrooms

with other teachers but also to encourage and inspire other teachers to share and

collaborate with one another.




Shannon & Jackie


Thank you to everyone who joined us yesterday for our presentation at Teachers' Convention. It was a wonderful opportunity to share our ideas and approaches and to learn from you.



Just a note, we have come to an agreement in our school about something called grade of origin.  This means that while we will always share and collaborate, teachers in our school agree to respect the grade of origin of many ideas.  This way, if you plan to do something in grade 3 and share the idea with others, they won't do it in grade 2, hence stealing your thunder for the following year!  For this reason we have divided our resources as K and 1.  Many of them can be used for K, 1, 2.  The visuals and vocabulary support materials are used by many grade levels.






Comments (35)

Shannon Wiebe said

at 9:19 pm on Oct 25, 2010

Wow. C'est fantastique! :) Madame Wiebe

Sharon said

at 5:33 am on Jan 20, 2011

Ce wiki est incroyable! Ca fait 20 annee que je travail avec notre commission scolaire et je n'ai jamais vu un outil come ceci pour les enseignant(e)s d'immersion. Merci pour votre temps!

Shannon Wiebe said

at 9:20 am on Jan 20, 2011

Bienvenue! Il y a des photos qu'il faut que je répare parce ce qu'ils n'apparaissent plus. J'apprends toujours. Merco pour vos commentaires.

Kendra Miller said

at 10:17 pm on Jan 26, 2011

Bonjour! J'aime beaucoup le Wiki...c'est si utile! Je visiterai beaucoup.

Shannon Wiebe said

at 10:45 pm on Jan 29, 2011

Merci! Nous ajoutons toujours des idées. :)

scaldwell@rockyview.ab.ca said

at 1:16 pm on Feb 13, 2011

Merci de m'avoir invitee! J'ai hate de vous voir a notre conference la semaine prochaine!

Jackie Astrom said

at 8:51 pm on Feb 13, 2011

Merci beaucoup Sarah!

fofonoffa@fsd38.ab.ca said

at 1:58 pm on Mar 1, 2011

Merci de m'avoir invitee :) Je n'ai jamais utiliser un Wiki, alors je ne sais pas tout a fais comment ca marche. Est-ce qu'on peut ajouter des choses aussi? Je pensais a Lire et Ecrire avec Plaisir (Daily 5)...

Shannon Wiebe said

at 6:16 pm on Mar 1, 2011

Vous êtes maintenant un éditeur donc vous pouvez tout faire. Si'l y a des problèmes, envoyez-moi un message s'il vous plaît. Bienvenue! Shannon

jduhaime said

at 8:20 pm on Dec 4, 2011

Est-ce la même chose que le livre Les 5 au quotidien?

Shannon Wiebe said

at 12:15 am on Dec 6, 2011

OUi c'est la même chose!

Shannon Wiebe said

at 9:30 pm on Dec 4, 2011

Hope your year is going well, you can add to this site anytime! Salut! Shannon

Paola W said

at 6:25 pm on Mar 1, 2011

Je suis experte en <<Les 5 au Quotidien>> et j'offre des ateliers pour débutants et intermédiaires dans cette veine! ( The Daily 5 )

Y-a-t'il d'autres utilisateurs qui enseignent ainsi?
Avez-vous de la vidéo sur youtube? Si oui, devenenez mon ami- ou affiliez-vous à ma châine Youtube, et je pourrai communiquer avec vous :0 Mon youtube: Succesdepaola

Shannon Wiebe said

at 9:02 pm on Mar 1, 2011

Wow, vous faites aussi Les 5 au Quotidien Paola? Fantastique!

Paola W said

at 6:32 pm on Mar 1, 2011

Si vous voulez des ressources en français magnifiques: www.primarysuccess.ca et vous y verrez French Resources by Paola.
Mon site youtube a des livres lus par Paola et des chansons qui proviennent de mon livre: << Poèmes et Chansons Illustrés>>.
Demandez de faire parti de nos listes des abonnés pour des livrets mensuels gratuits! paolaw@shaw.ca

Kendra Miller said

at 1:41 pm on Mar 30, 2011

Bonjour encore! Est-ce que les chansons françaises de Mme Astrom sont quelque part sur ce site web? J'aimerais utiliser quelques-unes pour un projet à l'université! Merci à l'avance!

chaffey.jessica said

at 10:27 am on Jan 11, 2012

Bonjour all the way from Gravelbourg Saskatchewan! Thanks a million for this site girls! -J.Chaffey

Karen GrantOGrady said

at 3:48 pm on Feb 2, 2012

Quelle ressource merveilleuse! Merci beaucoup! - K. Grant

Sandra Kenney said

at 9:02 pm on Mar 14, 2012

How can I get this out to other teachers? Your work is amazing and I appreciate that you are willing to share so much of your efforts with so many already. Thank you!

Shannon Wiebe said

at 8:10 am on Mar 15, 2012

Hi Sandra, thanks so much for your comment! You can send teachers the link to this site and my blog site. This site still requires a sign in but once access is granted you can log in anytime. This is the WIKI link http://k1frenchimmersionbestpractices.pbworks.com/ and this is the blog link http://madamebellefeuille.blogspot.com/ thanks for telling other teachers too. It's nice to know that the time we spend putting something together will benefit another busy teacher. We granted access to our 100th user in February and my blog got 10,000 pageviews in 2 months! Not sure if that's a lot but it sounds good to me. Also, teachers that I began teaching with 10 years ago in Kamloops have found the site and it has been fun to now share with the people who helped me out in my first 4 years of teaching! Have a great day. Shannon :)

mllek said

at 6:24 am on Mar 22, 2012

As a first year grade 1 FI teacher, this page has been a blessing! Un gros merci!

jbotrie said

at 6:04 pm on Apr 11, 2012

I am a first year grade 1 FI teacher and just discovered your blog. It has been so helpful, thanks so much for sharing all your great ideas and resources!

Shannon Wiebe said

at 8:40 pm on Apr 11, 2012

Thanks Jenna! Great to have you and always nice to hear positive feedback! :)

Paola W said

at 7:20 pm on Jun 6, 2012

All our resources are amazing... By contributing we make the learning world a better place.
Please check out; Youtube station: Succesdepaola for stories read in French for students in K-1-2-3 Example: Le fête des pères- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwGmGxukNpw et le même livre en anglais pour les enfants et les parents ! Father's Day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3tnMSw_o6A
Paola :-)

Cynthia Laezza said

at 6:47 am on Apr 18, 2012

Salut! Je voudrais remercier toutes les enseignantes qui collaborent et ajoute leur idea. Je viens juste to découvrire le blog de Shannon hier et je suis tellement inspiré a mettre en pratique le Daily 5 l'année.

madamenomura said

at 7:10 pm on Apr 18, 2012

Thanks so much! I can't thank you enough. I teach Core French but my ESL students use this material at its most basic form of French. Again, my heart goes out to you for making a child smile.

Lindsay said

at 9:01 pm on Apr 18, 2012

Thank you so much for sharing all of your great ideas! Merci beaucoup!

Jennifer Monette said

at 9:56 am on Jun 18, 2012

Thank you so much for sharing all of your resources! Merci mille fois!

Shannon Wiebe said

at 1:18 pm on Jun 18, 2012

Merci pour le message! Bonne vacances d'été!

Monique DX said

at 5:58 am on Jul 9, 2012

Merci Shannon, c'est un travail merveilleux qui peut servir aux enseignants de maternelle en France comme moi. Je suis prête à partager des idées et des documents. Il ne faut pas hésiter à demander. De plus j'ai enseigné 15 ans le Français Langue Étrangère alors j'ai des idées qui peuvent peut-être vous servir... Passez un bon été !

Shannon Wiebe said

at 8:13 pm on Aug 6, 2012

Merci pour le message, géniale comment on se partage partout sur l'internet - wow!

Dayna Diller said

at 1:12 pm on Jul 21, 2012

Bonjour les filles! Je travail à EB avec Rocky View et vous m'avez inspiré! Viens me visiter! http://outilsdeclasse.pbworks.com/w/page/55568414/FrontPage
Je viens juste de commencer, mais si tu as des conseils je les apprecie!

Laura Matthews said

at 10:32 am on Sep 26, 2012

J'adore cette site web!!! Thank you so much for all of the wonderful ideas that have helped me enrich my program. I've starting to actively engage my student's using success criteria however, I'm finding some difficulties in finding concrete examples which would help my grade 1 and 2 student's. Do you have any ideas? I've found a few via pinterest but i'm looking for some grade appropriate French immersion ones. Any help would be lovely. Thank you

Andrea said

at 6:55 pm on Nov 11, 2012

Hello everyone,
I'm brand new to JK/SK this year and I'm constantly looking for ideas for my French Immersion class (we're Tuesdays, Thursdays & alternate Fridays). Any suggestions for any topics would be greatly appreciated. Sometimes, I feel like I've found too much, you know? I just want to make sure that my students are having fun and are learning! I don't ever want them to be bored either. We're all about play based learning and I would love to show my principal & vice-principal the best there is to offer :) So please send anything my way!!!!!!! Thank you :)

Danielle said

at 1:50 pm on Apr 4, 2013

Un gros merci! J'enseigne en immersion et j'adore votre site. J'ai partagé avec mes collègues. C'est tellement utile! MERCI MERCI MERCI!

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