Visual dictionaries in a wall mounted shelf for student reference.
Cards are added as the year progresses depending on our theme or topic of study.
Printed on 100 lb. card stock, laminated, and used year after year.
Related themes are printed back to back ie: food and junk food dictionary.
The files labeled "posters" are square, I trim the bottom, saves space on the white board when I post them!

My Body Visual Dictionary.pdf
My Body Posters.pdf
Colours Visual Dictionary.pdf
Colours Posters.pdf
Classroom Visual Dictionary.pdf
Calendar Visual Dictionary.pdf
2D Shapes Visual Dictionary.pdf
Shapes Posters.pdf
Fall - Night Visual Dictionary.pdf
Fall - Night Posters.pdf
Food Unit Visual Dictionary.pdf
Junk Food Dictionary.pdf
Food Poster.pdf
Dinosaur Visual Dictionary.pdf
Dinosaur Posters.pdf
Winter - Christmas Visual Dictionary.pdf
Winter - Christmas Posters.pdf
Winter word strips.pdf
Bears - Carnaval Visual Dictionary.pdf
Bears - Carnaval Posters.pdf
Où Visual Dictionary.pdf
Où word strips.pdf
Verb word strips.pdf
As an introduction students pick a word strip from the pile, look it over secretly, and act out the verb. The class guesses (like the game of charades). The first time we play most students identify the verb in English. As we play a few more times and the words have been posted for a day or two they have to guess in French. Finally, they have to not only guess but use the word in a sentence.
So June has arrived and with so few days left to go and the young people's attention disappearing, I have found myself thinking about I can continue some great learning and still keep them engaged. We will spend some time talking about the Olympics and, of course, we will be doing some reflection on our year together. I have posted two little booklets that the students can work during these final days.
les jeux olympiques.pdf
end of year booklet.pdf
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