
Vocabulary Development Visual Dictionaries

Page history last edited by Shannon Wiebe 12 years ago



still under construction . . .  (see below for a list as well - trying to clean it up!)






  • le calendrier, dictionnaire en images














 Lift the flap book, stored in our "I can read" book boxes for Read to Self in K and grade1.


  • ma famille


  • la nuit (l'halloween, l'automne)








  • l'hiver (noël), dictionnaire en images



  • la moufle (Jan Brett)



















  • les dinosaures


  • les ours


  • les penguins


  • le carnaval




Here are all (I think) of what I call visual dictionaries.



2D Shapes Visual Dictionary and words strips.pdf (this file has been corrected, 'un cercle')

Calendar Visual Dictionary.pdf

Colours Visual Dictionary.pdf

Dinosaur Visual Dictionary.pdf

Fall - Night Visual Dictionary.pdf

My Body Visual Dictionary.pdf

Où Visual Dictionary.pdf

Winter - Christmas Visual Dictionary.pdf


Winter word strips


Bears - Carnaval Visual Dictionary.pdf

Classroom Visual Dictionary.pdf

3D objects visuals.pdf

Food Unit Visual Dictionary.pdf

Junk Food Dictionary.pdf

Number word strips.pdf

Yearlong calendar tally graphs.pdf


Les actions Visual Dictionary

Les actions word strips

These have a set with the pronoun, "il'" and further down a set with no personal pronoun.  Because the students use these for their writing it was difficult at first to have them understand how to modify it.  Instead of writing "Shannon conduit à l'école" they would take the word strip to their desk and write, "Shannon il conduit à l'école" because that was what it said.  I found it was easier to show no personal pronoun and then explain the sentence and write one in with a dry erase marker, showing students that the pronoun changes depending on who is doing the action.

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