
PIxton Comics 3R

Page history last edited by Shannon Wiebe 12 years, 8 months ago

Voici les bandes dessinées des amis de la classe de la troisième année de Madame Richards.

Comic strips written, illustrated and narrated by grade 3 students in Madame Richards Class.


Hover over the comic strip until the hand tool appears to slide to the next pane.  Hover over a speech bubble and click play to hear the narration.


Want to create your own comic strips with your students?  Open a Pixton for Schools Account and get started!


Levi et Cooper



Donovan et Aidan



Alexandra et Emma



Reace et Ted


Jakob et Matthew






Zoë et Paige



Jordyn et Emily



Jake et Matt



Trinity et Madi



Tanner et Cameron



Megan et Skye






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